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Review the preselection 2014 lyrics!

Lähetetty: 29 Touko 2014, 21:53
Kirjoittaja UFOPOLI
:saksa: :saksa: :latvia: :valkovenaja: :latvia: :espanja: :valkovenaja: :portugali: :suomi: :sveitsi: :ruotsi: :unkari: :portugali:

Breaking all previous records for non-Finnish contests, this edition boasts 13 entries from nine countries.
So, please read all competing lyrics, listen to their respective songs, and decide your order of preference among them. You are to allocate points according to the full Eurovision point scale, aka 12-10-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. To form your opinion, I grant you a week and a bit, so please send your scoring to me on Friday 6th June at 5 PM UTC+3 at the latest. A participant who fails to vote before the deadline will have 12 points deducted from each of their entries' total scores. You are not to give any points to your own entries. Non-participant reviewers are also more than welcome! The votes are to be sent to me via private messaging or e-mail at After voting, all participants are invited to say a few words about each entry in the critique thread, reading which is forbidden before voting to ensure fairness for everybody. Happy reviewing!

Re: Review the preselection 2014 lyrics!

Lähetetty: 30 Touko 2014, 18:22
Kirjoittaja UFOPOLI
I'm going to launch the scoreboard tomorrow when I get back to Finland, so I if you vote before that, you'll receive your confirmation message then. And the result tracking link, of course, if you also critique the entries.

Re: Review the preselection 2014 lyrics!

Lähetetty: 31 Touko 2014, 19:45
Kirjoittaja sziget
UFOPOLI kirjoitti:After voting, all participants are invited to say a few words about each entry in the critique thread
And it's perfectly acceptable to give your feedback in Finnish, if someone (guess who :mrgreen: ) finds it more convenient.

Re: Review the preselection 2014 lyrics!

Lähetetty: 31 Touko 2014, 22:39
Kirjoittaja UFOPOLI
sziget kirjoitti:
UFOPOLI kirjoitti:After voting, all participants are invited to say a few words about each entry in the critique thread
And it's perfectly acceptable to give your feedback in Finnish, if someone (guess who :mrgreen: ) finds it more convenient.
I can reveal that not all participants of this contest speak Finnish. So English is preferable. But any feedback is better than none, for sure.

Re: Review the preselection 2014 lyrics!

Lähetetty: 01 Kesä 2014, 00:32
Kirjoittaja sziget
^ OK. I had written part of my thoughts in English. Perhaps I'll try to improve that part of the critique later.

Re: Review the preselection 2014 lyrics!

Lähetetty: 02 Kesä 2014, 08:27
Kirjoittaja UFOPOLI

The voting is well underway. I'm planning to introduce the eliminations in the next update.

Re: Review the preselection 2014 lyrics!

Lähetetty: 03 Kesä 2014, 15:38
Kirjoittaja UFOPOLI

Two participants missing, eliminations included.

Re: Review the preselection 2014 lyrics!

Lähetetty: 04 Kesä 2014, 08:30
Kirjoittaja UFOPOLI

Still no guest reviewers. Two days to go!

Re: Review the preselection 2014 lyrics!

Lähetetty: 06 Kesä 2014, 08:51
Kirjoittaja Timoteus
UFOPOLI kirjoitti:so please send your scoring to me on Friday 6th June at 9 AM UTC+3 at the latest
Attention! The deadline has been extended to 5 PM (UTC+3). I requested this in private. UFOPOLI approved my request but hasn't announced the deadline extension in the thread.

Re: Review the preselection 2014 lyrics!

Lähetetty: 06 Kesä 2014, 16:01
Kirjoittaja UFOPOLI
Timoteus kirjoitti:Attention! The deadline has been extended to 5 PM (UTC+3). I requested this in private. UFOPOLI approved my request but hasn't announced the deadline extension in the thread.
Thanks! I was so busy I thought I had done it but I'd forgotten.