Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Euroviisut 2013 Malmössä

Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Ääniä yhteensä: 118

Viestit: 5372
Liittynyt: 09 Helmi 2004, 15:20
Paikkakunta: Vantaa

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Huilumies »

Myself kirjoitti: Also there was another provocative video from Lithuanian TV that we paid money to get votes. Yesterday Lithuanian TV said that it was not true and Azerbaijan even wasn't in semi-final together with Lithuania to vote for them as those guys said on the video. Also those people were not even Azeries. They removed the video from their webpage, but why did they spread such provocative news about us? I hope this case will be well investigated. It is not enough to close this case with only "excuse us". Do you see any Azeries here?
Impossible to know whether this kind of videos are true or not…

But one comment: this was not about the semi-final, it was about the final. They said the voters should vote for nr 20. So it can only concern the final, and nr 20 there was Azerbaijan.

I understood those guys were from Belarus but were paid to get votes for Azerbaijan.

In Finland we say “Ei savua ilman tulta”. No smoke without fire. If this accusation would concern Finland, most Finns would become suspecting and would want a thorough investigation, and if a Finn is guilty, he should be punished and his/her background motives should be clarificated too. For example, we had a lot of ski doping cases 10-12 years ago, God what scandals they were. One is not innocent only because he is Finn, same concerns Azeris. Concerning the Finnish ski doping, the whole organization was somewhat involved, it was not only individual skiers. So you never know. You are innocent until the contrary is proven, but from where comes the smoke?

Viestit: 139
Liittynyt: 20 Touko 2011, 19:35
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Myself »

JokuESC kirjoitti: I like Eric Saade and I adore Sabina and "When the music dies". :peukku:
you are an extraordinary person :uujee:
Ticoshay kirjoitti:I don't give a single fock if Azerbaijan cheated on votes :joojoo: Hold me was a brilliant song and second place was well earned :peukku: And tbh When the music dies is the best euro song like ever :ihana:
I don't believe in cheating theory. Those guys were Belorussians. They haven't any kind of relations to Azerbaijan or Azerbaijani delegation for Eurovision. I have suspect that there are two countries standing behind this video. It is not Belarus, but I will not tell my suspected two countries.

Hold me is a good song but for me it is not as good as When the music dies. You are right it is the best euro song like ever :ihana: I think only Sabina could show that professional vocal from Azerbaijan. Also I liked Drip Drop but Safura was too young (17 y.o) to make that song sound too emotional or mature. Probably, she didn't experience by that time the smell of lipstick :uujee:

Viestit: 140
Liittynyt: 29 Maalis 2009, 17:06

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja DaKapo »

TOMItu kirjoitti: Mitenhän kävisi, jos Venäjä ei osallistuisi Tanskan viisuihin? Osaisivatko sen naapurivaltiot antaa ääniään ollenkaan? :surrur:
Luvassa olisi sekasortoa ja sodan mahdollisuus Euroopassa kasvaisi eksponentiaalisesti. Kyseisten maiden raadit suorittaisivat joukkopolttoitsemurhia loojalisuudestaan Äiti Venäjää kohtaan ja maiden omien viisuedustajat määrättäisiin esiintymään kokomustassa säkissä sirotellen tuhkaa yllensä. Ellei kappale sitten käsittele Vladimir Putinin urotöitä, tällöin kullassa, kimalteessa ja konfetissa ei saisi säästellä. Lisäksi lavan yli lentäisi parvi aitoja kurkia, jotka riippuliitimellä leijaileva Maatuskanukke johdattaisi greenroomiin syömään kalaa ja parittelemaan. Itäblokin edustajia sitten haastateltaisiin suloisten kurkivauvojen kanssa, jotka ylistyksenä Venäjälle on munittu, ovat kuoriutuneet ja saaneet suloiset untuvat muutamassa tunnissa viisuillan aikana. Kerrotakoon, että yhden kurkivauvan ensimmäiset sanat olisivat "Rossija, svjaštšennaja naša deržava". Äänten laskun aikana yksi kurjista teloitetaan jokaisen maan kohdalla, joka antaa täydet pisteensä jollekin kilpailun osaanottajista eikä symbolisena eleenä omista niitä kilpailusta poisjääneelle Venäjälle.

Viestit: 4023
Liittynyt: 01 Tammi 2013, 05:10
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja kuu-kuu »

Kaunis kuva.

Viestit: 139
Liittynyt: 20 Touko 2011, 19:35
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Myself »

wulfila kirjoitti: She has an interesting voice :) The song Yenä Täk itself sounds like some kind of jazz/reggae/salsa mixture. If I only heard the melody, I would guess it's from South America rather than Azerbaijan :heh: Not bad, though :peukku: Hayat ona guzel, Deki deki, and İkinci Sän on the other hand, all of them were exatly the type of music that I mostly listen to.

And Röya is amazing! <3 Lovely songs, amazing voice, lovely vibrato, and she looks beautiful too :rakkaus: iWant. :mrgreen: ...From what I gather, azeri music sounds a lot like Balkan, both the rhythm and melodies. With some jazz thrown in occasionally (in Unutmaq İstədim, for instance). Listening to Bälkä dä, I thought it could just as well be done by one of my Bosnian/Serbian favourites, Seka Aleksić. Here is one song of hers, for reference.

Seems like we have wandered quite far from the original topic (which was Farid's ESC-song)... :heh: But thank you, dear "Myself", for these tips on great music. I'm sure I'll find many more, now that it has been brought to my attention that these pearls exist. :peukku:
Thank you for nice comments about Azeri ethno-pop style music. Our traditional dancing music is different than I showed you. Our traditional ethnic dance music (that we dance at the weddings) is purely Caucasian with drums and different kind of flutes, harmonica and ( later piano) say more brutal. So as an Azeri I can right after separate it from Balkans, Arabs, Persian or even Georgian. But our dance pop music similar to Balkans and Turkey, because it has mix with modern sounds. I am a conservative Azeri, so I like more old sounds with only three-four musical instruments in. Because we are a small country, we should keep our old traditions. It is more closer to me. However, I understand that nowadays one can't listen only traditional style of music with four instruments in it, so I don't mind to listening modern Azeri-pop such as Tunzalä, Röyä or Aygun.
I know Seka Aleksić :mrgreen: I was amazied that you know her too :rofl: You have a Balkan soul :ihana: I guest you know Aziz (a Bulgarian singer)?

You are right, this post goes far from original topic about Farid :) I want to share my last video for coming up Eurovision 2014 (if we are still in). I listened this guy in Jazz Centre in Baku last year. He is a very talented singer and songwriter. I hope he could join Eurovision castings for next year that I could enjoy more jazz sounds :uujee: But for next Eurovision I want to have something like ethnic dance pop style (similar to Tunzalä or Aysel&Arash). We had enough ballads!


Viestit: 139
Liittynyt: 20 Touko 2011, 19:35
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Myself »

DaKapo kirjoitti:
TOMItu kirjoitti: Mitenhän kävisi, jos Venäjä ei osallistuisi Tanskan viisuihin? Osaisivatko sen naapurivaltiot antaa ääniään ollenkaan? :surrur:
You must be kidding! Lavrov said to our Foreign Ministry double check your points :jupinaa: If Russia is not going to Denmark, Azerbaijan will not have chance to give Russia 12 points next year. Then Russia will need couple of minutes to enter to Azerbaijan from the North Caucasus, then 10 min to destroy our Flame Towers. There is no Eurovision without Flame Towers for Azerbaijan :rofl: We immediately call Turkey for protection, Turkey calls NATO. Thanks, we don't want World War 3 in Azeri territory, we prefer to find those 10 points :rofl:

Viestit: 139
Liittynyt: 20 Touko 2011, 19:35
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Myself »

From the first moment we visited the Eurovision Song Contest we could all see that the organizers really wanted Denmark to win.This was something that was noticed by all journalists and fans that visited Malmo. Another thing that was very obvious from the first rehearsals was that the only country that could win the contest beside Denmark was Azerbaijan. Farid Mammadov with his song “Hold me” was a very strong candidate for the victory and this seemed to bother the Nordic block of countries.
But which is the scandal and is there a case that EBU should investigate?
When we talk about a scandal we don’t refer to neighboring voting.This is something common and it happens for years at the Eurovision Song Contest: Neighbors are always giving high scores to each other but in order for a country to win it has to take points from all participants and this is what happened in the case of Denmark.
It took high points from all the neighbors but it also took points from all post Soviet countries ( 5 from Ukraine and Azerbaijan 6 from Russian 7 from Georgia and so on). On the other hand Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland gave 0 points to the main competitor of Denmark, Azerbaijan.
So we really think that EBU should investigate how juries and how the public voted in these 4 countries and if there was an attempt to manipulate the result in favor of Denmark.
http://X/2013/05/21/what-ab ... rdic-vote/

Viestit: 4023
Liittynyt: 01 Tammi 2013, 05:10
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja kuu-kuu »

Joo, hyvä on tutkia, ja sitäkin, miksi Suomi ei saanut naapureiltaan pisteitä. Eikä juuri miltään muultakaan maalta.

Viestit: 1862
Liittynyt: 05 Joulu 2004, 18:03
Paikkakunta: Kuopio

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Katinka »

Tämä koko ääntenostamisjupakka harmittaa minua suunnattomasti, koska tänä vuonna ensimmäisen kerran pidin Azerbaidzanin kappaleesta. Show oli mielestäni huolellisesti tehty ja sopi kappaleeseen erinomaisesti. Äänestinkin tätä sekä semissä että finaalissa. Mielestäni kärkisija olisi ollut ansaittu ilmankin mahdollista äänien ostamista!

Viestit: 5372
Liittynyt: 09 Helmi 2004, 15:20
Paikkakunta: Vantaa

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Huilumies »

…in order for a country to win it has to take points from all participants and this is what happened in the case of Denmark.
It took high points from all the neighbors but it also took points from all post Soviet countries ( 5 from Ukraine and Azerbaijan 6 from Russian 7 from Georgia and so on). On the other hand Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland gave 0 points to the main competitor of Denmark, Azerbaijan.
So we really think that EBU should investigate how juries and how the public voted in these 4 countries and if there was an attempt to manipulate the result in favor of Denmark.
Yes indeed, this sounds suspicious.

I believe every theory is possible:

1) The theory that the “Nordic Mafia” organized the new system to join jury votes and televotes to get a Nordic winner. Let the televoters decide if it is Denmark or Norway or whatever… but let the juries destroy their main competitors’ (Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Russia…) and other diaspora-producing countries’ chances by avoiding them bad points. It is possible this "Nordic Mafia" gave large-scale orders to a huge number of juries? Or helped to place people specialised in Nordic pop music in them?

2) The theory that Azerbaijan has organized a large-scale vote buying operation, like in Lithuania. The reason is partly, that I have heard these theories before, in connection to 2011. (A friend of mine said he heard this from an Azeri guy.)

3) And a third theory, that the Azerbaijani jury originally voted bad points for Russia (perhaps by order of Mr Әliyev because it was known being a dangerous competitor for Azerbaijan too? or perhaps by some order from the Nordic Mafia?) but that after the contest, as Azerbaijan did not win and you have to think about friendly political relations, Mr Әliyev made a counter-order, making the jury saying Russia got high points from it, even if it didn’t.

Everything is possible. No smoke without fire. Maybe nothing happened, but those theories are in my opinion 30-40 % possible. Let’s however keep everybody innocent until he/she is proven guilty.

Hoping at least they will return to the top10+top10 system in joining jury votes and televotes.

Viestit: 12018
Liittynyt: 03 Touko 2006, 20:56
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja sziget »

Ostiko Azerbaidzan puhelinääniä? kysyi Viisukuppilan uutinen maanantaina. Teksti oli lyhyt ja asiallinen, kaikki välimerkit paikoillaan. Uutistiimi osaa työnsä. Vain otsikko hiukan häiritsi. Otsikon tehtävä on myydä juttu lukijalle, tiedetään, ja samoin voisi otsikoida juttunsa mikä tahansa media, jonka uutiskynnyksen tällainen viisukohu ylittää. Esittäisin silti vastakysymyksen:
Miksi hitossa olisi ostanut?

Miksi Azerbaidžan haluaisi niin raivoisasti isännöidä viisut heti uudestaan? Jotta länsimedia palaisi arvioimaan demokratian ja ihmisoikeuksien tilaa maassa? Jotta puolet viisuturisteista voisi boikotoida kilpailua ja toinen puoli valittaa, että surkeat bileet, Ruotsissa oli paljon paremmat? Kannattaako tästä ilosta maksaa miljoonia (kuten "Sergei" ja Nimetön vihjaavat videolla)? Eikö Azerbaidžanille olisi paljon edullisempaa valita vain hyvä biisi, jolla päihitetään Armenia ja sijoitutaan esim. toiseksi?

Lisää kysymyksiä: Kuinka luotettava lähde mielestänne on? Kannattiko juttu Liettuassa virinneistä epäilyistä perustaa yksin tämän sivuston varaan? Esim Wiwibloggs korosti omassa jutussaan, että pitää varoa hätäisiä päätelmiä, kun ei tiedetä videolla esiintyvien miesten taustoja. näyttää sitoutuneen lujasti oletukseen, että Azerbaidžan huijaa. Nyt sivusto kerää nimiä vetoomukseen, jossa mm. vaaditaan:

- impose a contest ban on broadcasters from countries that are found to have participated in jury corruption or televote-buying within reasonable suspicion

Maa pitäisi bannata viisuista pelkän uskottavan epäilyn nojalla, ilman pitäviä todisteita? Tätäkö haluamme? :shock: - Eikö järkevämpää olisi lopettaa riitely, selvittää totuus ja estää mahdollisten vääryyksien toistuminen? Sen jälkeen voisi miettiä, miten kilpailusta vetäytyneet maat saadaan takaisin. Bannauksen pitää olla äärimmäinen keino eikä mikään yleislääke kaikkiin vaivoihin.

Ajatteliko kukaan, että gangsterien tarina äänikaupoista oli vähän liiankin mehevä? Noinhan monet ovat jo vuosia uskoneet. Luetteko Aku Ankkaa? Roisto paljastaa koko juonen nyt kun Mikki Hiiri on köysissä eikä voi estää sitä, hähää! Miksi miehet kertoivat liettualaisille mitään ylimääräistä, jos ääniä todella ostettiin Azerbaidžanin laskuun? Kaikilla on älypuhelimet, tieto leviää väistämättä. Paitsi jos se juuri oli tarkoituskin. Teorioita:

1. Euroviisuja vastaan
Ennen Bakua 2012 hakkeroitiin viisusivustoja. Konservatiiveille ylikansalliset homobileet ovat moraalisen rappion huippu. Provokaatiolla saadaan Azerbaidžan ulos viisuista, hyvällä onnella koko törkyohjelma loppuu.

2. Azerbaidžania vastaan
Nimimerkki Myself ei maininnut nimiä, mutta eräillä mailla on tunnetusti intressi mustata Azerbaidžanin kuvaa. Siinä Sergei ja Nimetön onnistuivat mainiosti.

3. Vedonlyöntimafian puolesta
En tiedä, ovatko viisut mafialle yhtä sopiva kohde kuin jalkapallo. Jos yhden maan nostaminen on kannattavaa ja helppoa, tarina laajasta äänikaupasta saattoi olla tottakin.

Etusivun kirjoitus "Euroviisujen jälkipuinnit jatkuvat kiivaana" oli muuten erinomainen. :peukku: - Samoin kuin tämä wiwibloggs.comin kannanotto: EBU must release raw votes for last 6 years
If you only see one movie this year, it should be FRANKENHOOKER. - Bill Murray, 1990

Viestit: 139
Liittynyt: 20 Touko 2011, 19:35
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Myself »

euroviisuholisti kirjoitti: I think you not need mention that Azerbaijan is the ex-Soviet Union country. The Soviet Union reputation isnt very good in Finland or nearly anywhere. ... 7653071403
(Writer is ex. finnish prime minister) (23.5.2012)

She is telling that a human rights are bad in Azerbaijan and some forces wants leave country from the eurovision song contest. But does it improve get the human rights and a opposition situation to better?

"Ihmisoikeuksia ei edistetä eristämisellä vaan avoimuudella ja vapaalla tiedonkululla. Uutisointi Azerbaidžanin tilanteesta ja Euroviisuista voi pitkällä aikavälillä vahvistaa ihmisoikeuksia ja demokraattisia voimia."

The human rights are not improved if country is isolating from others. They can get only better at freedom and freedom of speech. The news about Azerbaijan situation and the eurovision song contest can be in long way help the human rights and democratic forces.
Sorry but you are late. We discussed Human Rights issues a lot last year when we were host. Now this is nothing to do with Farid Mammadov. Eurovision is not a political but song contest.

One should also have its own thoughts out of propaganda... Say Human Rights situation was very bad in Libya. But it didn't disturb Sarkozy to received €50m from (Gaddafi ) Libyan regime for his president's election campaign. Later, we knew how Sarkozy treated his friend Gadafi.
There are some violations in Human Rights in Azerbaijan as in everywhere. But we have free internet, free speech, opposition parties, ethic minorities, thousand of young activist posting in internet in forums, facebooks, youtube and so on. None of them are killed.
The Caucasian region is not as easy as you think. We have our own thousand years political traditions in order to survive. Also we are a young small country among big neighbors, that use to be big Empires in the past (Persian, Russian, Ottoman Empire) and Russian military base in Armenia. They all are funding different opposition groups in Azerbaijan to make some pro-Russian, pro-Iranian, pro-Turkish, pro-islamic and so on opposition parties. Our neighbors want to get us back and have strong economic and political influence in Azerbaijan. Add here US, UK and EU that want our oil and gas too.

If we wouldnt' have good politics or stability our economy would collapse. We are the most rapid developing country not only in ex USSR but also in the World. We got independence 21 years ago, but we built our country almost from the scratch.
Western countries wants to have Human Rights in Azerbaijan. What if say, Russia are funding Russian-speaking opposition in Azerbaijan now. If Azerbaijani government will not closely observe this parties, they will corrupt and speculate elections. Then we have to say welcome back Soviet Union or Eurasian Union nowadays. Or Iran are funding Azerbaijani parties, if they win, we have to say welcome 7 century to Azerbaijan. That is why Western people do not understand why we support our current president's policy. Azerbaijan also understands that nobody will support it. When Russian tanks entered "democratic" Georgia in 2008. None of EU countries talked about "Human Rights" in Georgia. They didn't support Georgia. Even through Saakachvili said that Russian tanks entered to Georgia as to Finland in 1939, Stubb pretended not to hear it. Do you think that Finland or even Germany would say something to Russia because of Georgia or Azerbaijan?
All this Human Rights articles is for mass but not for politicians or business elites that observe the situation closely. The newspapers, NGOs, UN they also want to get salary and pretend to work. So you keep reading. If we would have serious violations in Human Rights we would't be a peaceful stable rapid developing country.

Anyway, I don't want to go for further in discussions. You better keep listening Eurovision songs and vote for your favorite :)

Viestit: 12018
Liittynyt: 03 Touko 2006, 20:56
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja sziget »

Huilumies kirjoitti:Everything is possible. No smoke without fire.
And because Azerbaijan is known as the land of fire, the source of the smoke must be there? I don't buy the story, but we'll see. I just hope you won't sign the petition I cited above.
sziget kirjoitti:- impose a contest ban on broadcasters from countries that are found to have participated in jury corruption or televote-buying within reasonable suspicion

Maa pitäisi bannata viisuista pelkän uskottavan epäilyn nojalla, ilman pitäviä todisteita? Tätäkö haluamme? :shock:
Kohtuullisen epäilyn ja todennäköisen syyn ero on, että edellinen on lähinnä arvaus tai vainu. mielestä viisuista voidaan siis heittää ulos maat, joiden arvaamme syyllistyneen korruptioon tai äänikauppaan. Olikohan tuossa pieni lipsahdus, kenties jopa freudilainen lipsahdus? :rofl:

Difference between reasonable suspicion and probable cause
If you only see one movie this year, it should be FRANKENHOOKER. - Bill Murray, 1990

Viestit: 139
Liittynyt: 20 Touko 2011, 19:35
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Myself »

Huilumies kirjoitti: First, I admit that I exaggerated. Yes, in 2008 everything in AZE’s song was Azeri. (Though, a very weird song, I bet it was not exactly Azeri mainstream pop! :heh: ) Also in 2009, Arash (whom I count as Azeri even if born in Sweden) made the song, with the help of Swedes and Greeks. But ok. “Always” is btw still my favourite ESC song from AZE, you are right, it has a taste of what I suppose to be an Azeri sound. And Aysel is sooo beautiful, I would have voted her right Miss Eurovision 2009 ;) I think she should have had a bigger role on stage in Moscow, the video was far better.
Thank you for admitting that you exaggerated. Only secure and confident people are strong enough to admit their mistakes.
Huilumies kirjoitti:
I have written it down, should look for it, but as I remember now, something like this: “Azerbaijan wants to have the best quality for its ESC song, therefore we have cooperation with Swedish composers… And our performance has Azeri elements too, (they gave some details about the stage performance, maybe some instruments and some choreography).” So I did not really get any answer, nor a promise to have more Azeri flavor some year. National instruments or choreography is not enough for me, if the whole song could come from anywhere in the world.
In a Swedish newspaper, I read more about AZE’s attitude to ESC, about the will to be somewhat a cosmopolitan centre for good pop music… I will get it and refer it later.
I got their answer. They want to make Eurovision hit musics with some Azeri flames in it in order people still to listen it. Say like Always or Drip Drop. If you go to Youtube people still watch or comment those videos.
Huilumies kirjoitti:
“Myself”, I see your attitude is a million miles away from mine. Let me tell you my history.

I was born in a bilingual family, Finnish and Swedish spoken. A part of my childhood I spent in a French-speaking country, where I also learnt German at school. No English so far. There, I watched my first Eurovision, and it was so nice to have different countries competing with music on stage! :) At that time, I understood only those 4 languages and had a clue on their relative languages as well (such as Norwegian, Danish and Dutch). But non-understanding of some languages did not disturb me at all!

Later on, I more and more loved the possibility to have every year music form different corners of Europe in their own languages. At that time, there was no to check the lyrics, so I had to sing e.g. Turkish songs just how I heard them, it was so fun! :ihana: I treated English (which I then had at school) equal with other languages, for example Ireland was my winner in 1988. But what I hated, was when some countries put foreign sentences in their songs, this spoiled the song in most cases.

In the mid-1990’s, I was so happy to welcome so much new countries to Eurovision. Also in my life, I had those years a big boom towards Eastern Central Europe: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary… only Czechs were missing from Eurovision. I loved to hear their languages too!

I was VERY disappointed when I heard in 1999 the language rule would be spoiled. Immediately, this lead to more than half of the songs being in English :( More than half of the fun in Eurovision was spoiled. And some countries have since then never ever tried with their own language! Speaking about Sweden (3-time winner in Swedish!), Denmark, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan… Own languages have been used by Romania only ½ song, by Netherlands, Norway, Iceland only once…

Come on, you do not need to understand the lyrics when you hear the song! Many people do not even care about lyrics, even if they could understand them. You can always read the lyrics in Diggiloo, they have translation in English. And Finnish TV is in the lucky situation to have subtitles, which tell us the story during the song. It is useful even when the song is in English, don’t think the articulation is so clear on stage!

For me, Eurovision needs to be somewhat a folk song, folk pop song or ethno pop festival. It shall NOT be fully cosmopolitized/globalized! You must hear from where about the song comes! At least most songs, you should. When I meet non-Eurovision-fans, one of the most common reactions is: “I don’t like when everybody sings in English!” More and more people would like to have national flavours in ESC songs, not only me!
You seem to have very interesting background :) I know what do you mean, but we have different opinions here. I also come from multicultural family. I am a Russian-speaker Azeri (but not Russian origin). As I can speak also fluent Azeri, Turkish and keep good conversation in Czech and Slovakian, I understand all Slavic and Turkic languages. I also speak some Finnish. As well I understand all their culture, music, literacy ets. But still when Balkans sing in Slavic language at Eurovision I get tired. Because lyrics is as important for me as music. Because I am not such a big fan of ESC to watch their national selections, or watch them before Semi-Finals, or collect info about them thus I forgot their entries easily right after. I only remember a few of them in their own language. However, I still remember most songs that I liked in English. If ESC will be a folk song, folk pop song or ethno pop then Balkans, Caucasus and Turkey all will look like each other. Also, if it is a folk pop song or ethno pop , then let it be for every ESC country. I am not sure if I want to listen every year Russian balalaika sound :mrgreen:
Eurovision is changing and it can't stand against globalization. Otherwise, it will lose its audience and/or money. New generation, new rules :) Do you remember rules against TATU 10 years ago and how it is now.
Huilumies kirjoitti:
If Finland would every year send an “americanized song” like “Marry me”, I would also complain. But it does not. The last 6 years, we have had 3 (!) songs in some of our national languages: 2008, 2010 and 2012. Among those, especially “Työlki ellää” from 2010 was very Finnish also by music style. AZE should send this Tunzalә Agayeva or somebody similar for a couple of years and I stop complaining :)
Now I remember only four of them (may be it is too late 4 am now!) but it is Hanna, Oscar, Pernilla and Krista. Honestly, I prefer Finland to do the same as Sweden (or Azerbaijan). Get more americanized style music at least to stay in the Final. Also to be as successful in the music industry as Sweden. Because not every country will appreciate good Finnish style of music (I know there are good rock bands) in ESC. Sweden is a pop music factory. We have saying in Azeri, which would suit Sweden: they got rhythm of the time. I see their good future in this. This year Azerbaijan, Russian, Georgia had their team behind.
Huilumies kirjoitti:
Yes, but this does not mean every tv viewer wants only similar things which he/she has heard before or which could come from anywhere. Do not underestimate the demand for national flavor in music! People do not want a dull pop contest, they want interesting music from different corners of Europe!
I know it is good to have different sounds, but different doesn't mean good or successful entry. You probably know the different taste of East and West Europe. Many my friends from East Europe (mainly from ex-USSR) when they see something different as you refer they always say again this "circus" in Eurovision. East Europe, mainly ex-USSR likes good expensive looking on the stage, feminine singers or cute guys, stylish number, familiar sounds and so on :rofl: I don't support their taste but I know their mentality :heh:
Huilumies kirjoitti:
I will :)
Thank you! I don't mind to have Azeri instruments or flavor in ESC.
Huilumies kirjoitti: No, no, no! The more English, the more dull and spoiled. I refer to Sziget’s examples about Estonia’s good placings. They can come also without English. Countries should try more, and more examples would occur.
I don't remember any Estonian entries accept last year Kuula and from this year I remember beautiful pregnant girl, but not a song. I am an average Eurovision watcher, so excuse me Estonian fans.
Viimeksi muokannut Myself, 25 Touko 2013, 04:43. Yhteensä muokattu 1 kertaa.

Viestit: 139
Liittynyt: 20 Touko 2011, 19:35
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Myself »

Huilumies kirjoitti: Yes indeed, this sounds suspicious.

I believe every theory is possible:

1) The theory that the “Nordic Mafia” organized the new system to join jury votes and televotes to get a Nordic winner. Let the televoters decide if it is Denmark or Norway or whatever… but let the juries destroy their main competitors’ (Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Russia…) and other diaspora-producing countries’ chances by avoiding them bad points. It is possible this "Nordic Mafia" gave large-scale orders to a huge number of juries? Or helped to place people specialised in Nordic pop music in them?
I don't believe that nobody in Nordic Countries voted for Farid. I did vote many times so did my friends but he got 0 points from Finland. I don't blame Finland of course, because there larger Swedish, Estonian and Russian community, than Azeri. So our votes got 0. But why host country-Sweden treated Denmark as a winner much earlier than the Final that is not good. Host country should treat every participants equally without pointing winning destination for 2014.
Huilumies kirjoitti:
2) The theory that Azerbaijan has organized a large-scale vote buying operation, like in Lithuania. The reason is partly, that I have heard these theories before, in connection to 2011. (A friend of mine said he heard this from an Azeri guy.)
Do you really make a conclusion from the words of that unknown Azeri gossip guy? I don't think so that he had any relation to official delegation. I remember that year some also were telling that Eldar was chosen in the national Final because he paid a lot of money. But later on I knew that he came from not rich family. So definitely, it was a gossip from another Azeri.

That Lithuanian news about Azerbaijan is a cheap provocation. If Azeries would pay money for the votes, they wouldn't go to each and offer 20 euro to vote. How could they be sure that those will not spend that money on beer or on voting for other country :rofl: . Azeries just would call Lithuanian diaspora at least 200 people out of 1000 and give that money to them to vote for Farid. Azeries would be sure that diaspora will vote only for Farid. Dont you find it stupid that Belorussians offer money to unknown people in the street to vote for Azerbaijan? I also don't think that Azerbaijani government was so keen to host Eurovision this year. They had enough headache last year :rofl: Moreover, it was obvious that we would not win as we already won a year before Sweden. Our victory was so negative that if we would win again many ESC countries would not take part in 2014. As well all Western Media would again start their anti-campaign on Azerbaijan. Do you really think that Azerbaijani delegation/government didn't calculate all this before. We are one of the best chess countries in the world, we always calculate at least 4-5 steps before moving :mrgreen:

When this news came I right after knew which possible two countries stands behind this. I can't name them ( not Belarus), because I don't want this treat get more political. Yesterday I read from Fokas facebook status that they know which country started this anti-Azerbaijan campaign but they can't go public with it and prove it.
Huilumies kirjoitti: 3) And a third theory, that the Azerbaijani jury originally voted bad points for Russia (perhaps by order of Mr Әliyev because it was known being a dangerous competitor for Azerbaijan too? or perhaps by some order from the Nordic Mafia?) but that after the contest, as Azerbaijan did not win and you have to think about friendly political relations, Mr Әliyev made a counter-order, making the jury saying Russia got high points from it, even if it didn’t.

Everything is possible. No smoke without fire. Maybe nothing happened, but those theories are in my opinion 30-40 % possible. Let’s however keep everybody innocent until he/she is proven guilty.

Hoping at least they will return to the top10+top10 system in joining jury votes and televotes.
I don't think so, because Dina is a Tatar. We have large Tatar, Russian as well Russian-speaking community in Azerbaijan. So those votes came from them, also juri gave them some points. It wouldn't be 0 all together.
I dont' agree with you, because Azerbaijani government didn't want Azerbaijan to win. They had enough attention last year. This year we have presidential elections, I don't think so that Azeri government need Western attention during elections. Also, they knew that our song would end in top 5 as it was in odds. Top 5 was enough for them. My conclusion: It was maybe a technical mistake or Azeri juri didn't get new voting system rules.

Viestit: 139
Liittynyt: 20 Touko 2011, 19:35
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Myself »

sziget kirjoitti: And because Azerbaijan is known as the land of fire, the source of the smoke must be there? I don't buy the story, but we'll see. I just hope you won't sign the petition I cited above.
the best sentence of the day :ihana:

P.S it seems to me that they collected all the gossips from ESC and called it petition.

P.P.S Yesterday, I read from somewhere that ITV said to TRT that Azerbaijan will follow Turkey and leave Eurovision next year.

Paper Gangsta
Viestit: 1372
Liittynyt: 21 Tammi 2011, 22:45

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Paper Gangsta »

^This might be off topic but anyway :mrgreen: ...I adore "When the music dies", absolutely the best song from Azerbaijan. :rakkaus: Hope, this drama will end soon. :niinpa:
Je t'adore, here's my heart, so take it
Je t'adore, only you can break it
You got me fallen to the floor.

Viestit: 17347
Liittynyt: 10 Marras 2011, 20:58

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Happy »

Toivon taas ettei tämä draama hevillä hiivu :heh:
Ne jotka ovat tähän Azerbaijanin sabotointiin ryhtyneet, toivon että heidät saadaan tuomiolle tekosistaan :)
Never miss a good chance to shut up.

Laulaa viisuja
Laulaa viisuja
Viestit: 852
Liittynyt: 31 Joulu 2012, 08:11

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja euroviisuholisti »

sziget kirjoitti:
2. Azerbaidžania vastaan
Nimimerkki Myself ei maininnut nimiä, mutta eräillä mailla on tunnetusti intressi mustata Azerbaidžanin kuvaa. Siinä Sergei ja Nimetön onnistuivat mainiosti.

3. Vedonlyöntimafian puolesta
En tiedä, ovatko viisut mafialle yhtä sopiva kohde kuin jalkapallo. Jos yhden maan nostaminen on kannattavaa ja helppoa, tarina laajasta äänikaupasta saattoi olla tottakin.
Vedonlyöntibisnes on tosiaan aika iso kaikkialla ja euroviisut ovat suosionsa takia todella hyvä kohde. Mutta tämä tarkoittaisi sitä että olisi värvätty satoja / tuhansia liettualaisia opiskelijoita äänestämään. Tuolloinkin olisi pitänyt lyödä vetoa siitä, että Liettua antaa tietyn verran pisteitä Azerbaijanille. Eli näitä "todistajia" löytyisi useita kun taas itselle on tullut käsitys että kyse olisi vain "parista todistajasta"?

Mustamaalaus lienee ihan todennäköinen syy. En tiedä miten tämä Venäjän saamat pisteetkin liittyvät kyseiseen kohuun. Mutta Liettuassa & Baltian maissa on vahva venäläisedustus ja hyökkäys suoraan Venäjän suunnalta voisi olla liian ilmeistä.

Varsin pikkujutultahan tämä joka tapauksessa tuntuu.

Laulaa viisuja
Laulaa viisuja
Viestit: 852
Liittynyt: 31 Joulu 2012, 08:11

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja euroviisuholisti »

Myself kirjoitti: There are some violations in Human Rights in Azerbaijan as in everywhere. But we have free internet, free speech, opposition parties, ethic minorities, thousand of young activist posting in internet in forums, facebooks, youtube and so on. None of them are killed.
You have a lots of good points and you know Azerbaijan history better than I, so you have much more a information about that how things are going on in Azerbaijan. And it's not easy to be a country which has been controlled by The Soviet Union and then later have got an indepence. In Russia is many forces who are trying to keep their ex-Soviet Union countries by Russian control.

But I think you make a bad mistake when you are underestimating the human rights and saying that "those happen everywhere". It's not really true. Some countries are much worse than others. If you put them like it not matter, then you are saing like you dont just care.

But I think it's good thing that in Azerbaijan is free internet. It helps lots of people.


Have to remember of corse that europe politics not want to declare war against Russia. So it's very hard to give orders for Russia what should to do and what not. Atleast when USA is also attacking to the oil nations.

Myself kirjoitti:If we would have serious violations in Human Rights we would't be a peaceful stable rapid developing country.
Do you think same about China? They are rapid peaceful developing country but they have the very big human rights issues.

But as you said, I m sure that those things are not easy. And what happened in Georgia, can happen also in Azerbaijan. Even the finnish politics are very afraid saiyng anything bad against Russia (like ex-finnish president Tarja Halonen said nothing bad against Russia even she was worried about human rights in Africa and in other countries, but never mentioned Russia).
Myself kirjoitti: Anyway, I don't want to go for further in discussions. You better keep listening Eurovision songs and vote for your favorite :)
Yeah. This discussion has gone out of course.

Viestit: 12018
Liittynyt: 03 Touko 2006, 20:56
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja sziget »

euroviisuholisti kirjoitti:Vedonlyöntibisnes on tosiaan aika iso kaikkialla ja euroviisut ovat suosionsa takia todella hyvä kohde. Mutta tämä tarkoittaisi sitä että olisi värvätty satoja / tuhansia liettualaisia opiskelijoita äänestämään. Tuolloinkin olisi pitänyt lyödä vetoa siitä, että Liettua antaa tietyn verran pisteitä Azerbaijanille.
Jos sata opiskelijaa äänestää viidellä puhelimella 5 x 10 kertaa, saadaan 5000 ääntä. Se on paljon, mutta jos lisäksi pitää varmistaa raadin tuki, kuvio mutkistuu ja uskottavuus vähenee.
euroviisuholisti kirjoitti:Eli näitä "todistajia" löytyisi useita kun taas itselle on tullut käsitys että kyse olisi vain "parista todistajasta"?
Uskon, että toimittajaopiskelija Laurynas Juozas Liutkus ja toimittaja Liepa Želniené ovat luotettavia todistajia. Omituista on juuri se, ettei todistajia ole enemmän, jos ääniä ostetaan 15 eri maassa ja toiminta on yhtä röyhkeää kuin Liettuassa. Vai eikö tarinoita oteta todesta ennen kuin todistajina on liuta toimittajia piilokameran kanssa? Vaikuttaa joka tapauksessa siltä, että Sergei ja Nimetön halusivat sanan leviävän. Heidät palkanneelle taholle ei ole ongelma, että Azerbaidžanin uskotaan ostavan ääniä.
If you only see one movie this year, it should be FRANKENHOOKER. - Bill Murray, 1990

Viestit: 139
Liittynyt: 20 Touko 2011, 19:35
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Myself »

euroviisuholisti kirjoitti:
You have a lots of good points and you know Azerbaijan history better than I, so you have much more a information about that how things are going on in Azerbaijan. And it's not easy to be a country which has been controlled by The Soviet Union and then later have got an indepence. In Russia is many forces who are trying to keep their ex-Soviet Union countries by Russian control.
Yes, you are right. The Caucasian region, particularly Azerbaijan is not easy country to be charged for something from some news. It is the largest country in the Caucasus and the richest in terms of natural resources, as I said surrounded by former Empires. For example, you know only one story about Russia or Azeri past from Soviet Union, but Iran also wants to get Azerbaijan, because according to Iran Islamic Government, we have to back to Persian Empires boarder that existed before we became part of Russian Empire. Recently, they even discussed to "cancel" two treatments of Russian-Persian war (although the ruling dynasty were Azeries, not Persians ) signed in 1824 and 1828 in order to return Azerbaijan back to Iran :rofl: Or the supreme leaders of Iran don't want Azerbaijan to take part in Eurovision. Because they think that it is gay contests and Azerbaijan nothing to do in this devil contest :rofl: Yes, we Azeries laugh on these all, but they take these all seriously and try to funding or corrupt some opposition members or party. Then if our current government closely observe them they right after remind about Human Rights in all possible ways. If you consider how rich and big Russia and Iran and how small Azerbaijan, we have dramas every day :heh: . You know only Eurovision line of dramas.
euroviisuholisti kirjoitti: But I think you make a bad mistake when you are underestimating the human rights and saying that "those happen everywhere". It's not really true. Some countries are much worse than others. If you put them like it not matter, then you are saing like you dont just care.
The violation of Human Rights is bad in everywhere. I agree with you, some countries have much, this is not Azerbaijan. I mean violation of Human Rights in Azerbaijan, for example LGBT rights. The Azerbaijani government should consider gay marriage, or legalize prostitution instead of pretending they are ok with it. One should also know that Human Rights issue can be also speculative. For example, there is Finnish Johan Bachmän. According to him, Finnish government takes Russian children from Russian mothers. He is very famous activist in Russia too. Some Russians do really believe that there is no Human Rights in Finland, because they discriminate Russian mothers. One cannot make a conclusion according to Bachmän.
euroviisuholisti kirjoitti: But I think it's good thing that in Azerbaijan is free internet. It helps lots of people.
Have to remember of corse that europe politics not want to declare war against Russia. So it's very hard to give orders for Russia what should to do and what not. Atleast when USA is also attacking to the oil nations.
As I said, Azerbaijan has a long political traditions in order to survive, dating back to time where there were not US or UK neither Finland as a state. (For example we accept Christianity in IV century, compare it to Finland now). We always had arena to tell the truth. In the ancient and medieval time it was forbidden for Kings to kill the "free" writers who were criticizing Kings and their loyalty.

Or when we become part of Russian Empire we had our some famous satiric writers and strongest caricature school of the time (Molla Nasraddin (magazine). Both satiric and caricature school was infusing with a revolutionary spirit, that satirically depict various social phænomena, such as inequality, cultural assimilation, and corruption; and to ridicule backward lifestyles and values of the clergy and religious fanatics. As a result Azerbaijan had the first secular school in Muslim Worlds, or Azerbaijan become a first Secular Democratic Country in Muslim World in 1918. Azerbaijani women are the first Muslim women that got right to vote in 1918 even much earlier than French or some European countries women.
As I said previously, we have free media, internet. Azeri people like criticizing, satiric comments and caricatures. Only in Soviet time our caricature school was closed together with Magazine Molla Nasredin but now it raised again to criticize the government or religious.
For example this about Iranian women after crossing border to Azerbaijan:

This is about young activist who was arrested: ... 6852_n.jpg

This is about the press secretary of Azerbaijani ministry ... 4771_n.jpg

This is about old official who died on his "chair" at work: ... 8446_n.jpg
euroviisuholisti kirjoitti:
Do you think same about China? They are rapid peaceful developing country but they have the very big human rights issues..
I don't think so that you can compare China to Azerbaijan. Because in our case, you have to define what do you mean by Human Rights in Azerbaijan. Apart from totalitarian China, we have opposition, free media, internet and so on. One should also remember our geopolitical situation.

Also, we didn't get our independence just for nothing. You can see from the picture below. We have long cemeteries of Victims of Black January in Martyrs' Lane. Every year we remember them with honor in 20 January. Azerbaijan was the first state who withdrew Soviet military base from its territory. We didn't fight for Aliyev or someone else. We did it for Azerbaijan. If Aliyev do not satisfy our requirements or if there is better alternative, we will go for him/her. We had time when we changed in one year three presidents. Aliyev knows that Azeries didn't afraid of Soviet tanks, so neither would afraid of him.

Azerbaijani Demonstration for independence from Soviet Union.

this is burial ceremony for those died in 20 January, 1990
euroviisuholisti kirjoitti: Yeah. This discussion has gone out of course.
Right, I stop now and promise will not go further anymore.
Viimeksi muokannut Myself, 28 Touko 2013, 04:04. Yhteensä muokattu 2 kertaa.

Viestit: 139
Liittynyt: 20 Touko 2011, 19:35
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Myself »


Every year the men of Eurovision wow millions of viewers with their vocals and choreography. But once they leave the stage they have even more work to do. That’s because the race to win Eurovision’s Next Top Male Model—the premier online modeling contest for men competing at the Eurovision Song Contest—continues long after the cameras stop rolling. This requires them to pump iron, drink protein shakes, choose clothes that will show off all their assets and deal with the ever-present paparazzi and bloggers who stalk them in search of that elusive shirtless pic.
On March 31 twenty-five men were brave enough to enter the House of Wiwi to compete for the title of Eurovision’s Next Top Male Model, and a spot in the Top Model Hall of Fame. Along the way we had to say goodbye to nine of them. Hungary’s ByeAlex seemed more interested in barbiturates than he did in health and fitness. And Montenegro’s Noyz preferred wearing space suits to slipping into one made by Armani. On April 30 the final 16 men advanced to the finals.
In the end two men broke all voting records in the history of Top Model and nearly caused our server to explode. But now, after counting 3,471 votes in the semi-finals and a whopping 49,364 votes in the final, Wiwi can finally announce that Azerbaijan’s Farid Mammadov is Eurovision’s Next Top Male Model 2013.
Romania’s Cezar Ouatu, our first runner-up, and Italy’s Marco Mengoni, our second runner-up, have also earned a spot in the Top Model Hall of Fame. This was something of a historic year. Farid is the first Azerbaijani to win the contest (although an Azerbaijani contestant has finished in the Top 3 of either the men’s or women’s contest every year since we started the competition). Cezar becomes the most successful Romanian male ever (last year the Men of Mandinga finished as second runners-up). And Marco Mengoni is the first inductee from Italy.

Below you can see the complete results, followed by a re-cap of some of this year’s action.

Congratulations to Farid, Cezar and Marco. Europe loves each of you!


Contestant Votes - %

1. Azerbaijan’s Farid Mammadov 25,157 - 50.96%
2. Romania’s Cezar 19,858 - 40.23%
3. Italy’s Marco Mengoni 2,085 - 4.22%
4. Greece’s Men of Koza Mostra 325 - 0.66%
5. Lithuania’s Andrius Pojavis 294 - 0.60%
6. Ireland’s Ryan Dolan 243 - 0.49%
7. Malta’s Gianluca Bezzina 240 - 0.49%
8. Belgium’s Roberto Bellarosa 189 - 0.38%
9. Sweden’s Robin Stjernberg 18 - 0.38%
10. Iceland’s Eythor Ingi 186 - 0.38%
11. F.Y.R. Macedonia’s Lozano 145 - 0.29%
12. Latvia’s Ralfs Eilands 126 - 0.26%
13. Georgia’s Nodi Tatishvili 119 - 0.24%
14. Switzerland’s Men of Takasa 87 - 0.18%
15. Spain’s David Feito 68 - 0.14%
16. Latvia’s Edmunds Rasmanis 55 - 0.11%[/QUOTE]


Viestit: 2981
Liittynyt: 11 Tammi 2013, 12:25
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Edwina »

Siinäpä onkin komea ja eksoottinen nuorukainen!
Entäs female model? Onko naisista olemassa samanlainen lista? Itse äänestäisin Esmaa.

(Vai olisiko se Israelin edustaja sittenkin......)

Viestit: 172
Liittynyt: 18 Touko 2013, 09:22

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Miguli »

Pakko sanoa et harvinaisen komea nuorukainen. Naisista nostaisin Emmelien ja Alyonan esiin.

Mutta sitten siihen biisiin. Biisi on loistava, omalla listallani kolmantena. Viisuvilppiä epäillään, jotenkin en yhtään ihmettelisi jos näin on. Toisaalta voi olla pelkkää huhuakin, pääasia et juttu selvitetään.

Viestit: 17411
Liittynyt: 24 Heinä 2005, 00:51
Paikkakunta: Tampere

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja kais(t)a »

Послушай - у сердца голос мой.

Viestit: 2981
Liittynyt: 11 Tammi 2013, 12:25
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Edwina »

Kiitos linkeistä! Todella kaunis tuo Ukrainan edustajakin.

Viestit: 57786
Liittynyt: 22 Huhti 2007, 17:16
Paikkakunta: Pori

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Serduchka »

^^ OT: Miehissä täysin väärä ja naisissa täysin oikea voittaja!
⚰️ R.I.P. Eurovision 🪦

Viestit: 139
Liittynyt: 20 Touko 2011, 19:35
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Myself »

Launched in 2009, Wiwi Bloggs’ annual search for Eurovision’s Next Top Model (ENTM) and Eurovision’s Next Top Male Model (ENTMM) has become the premier online modeling contest for participants of the Eurovision Song Contest. Over the past four years more than 150,000 votes have been cast to determine which Eurovision contestants have the beauty and the poise to shine long after their Eurovision glory fades. Every year the top three men and women are inducted into the Eurovision’s Next Top Model Hall of Fame. Have a look at our pantheon of winners, and then review the competitions with the links that follow. ... l-of-fame/

Azerbaijani singers are always in the list :ihana:

Farid today is celebrating 28 May, Azerbaijani Republic Day

Viestit: 172
Liittynyt: 18 Touko 2013, 09:22

Re: Azerbaidžan 2013: Farid Mammadov – Hold me

Viesti Kirjoittaja Miguli »

Vaikka olen hetero pakko sanoa et harvinaisen komea ilmestys, olen kateellinen sen sixpackille :niinpa: varmasti riittää naisia jonoksi asti
