ESC 2005 -arkisto.
Viestit: 11641
Liittynyt: 25 Marras 2003, 23:25
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Haloo Kiovasta!

Viesti Kirjoittaja Marjukka »

sampo kirjoitti:Dont encourage the circus acts or next year we will end up sending Santa Claus and his flying reindeer to the competition.
Now that you said it, someone will surely bring this up later :violette:

But you're right, Why is the kind of a song that grows on you later, not necessarily on the very first time you hear it.
Haluaisin mieluummin olla täällä euroviisuissa kuin kotona! -Kwak

Viestit: 717
Liittynyt: 08 Helmi 2004, 20:33
Paikkakunta: Turkumaa


Viesti Kirjoittaja maailmanloppu »

Suomen pukin porot ei lennä :stupido:
"Kahvin pitää olla makeaa kuin rakkaus, mustaa kuin helvetti ja vahvaa kuin kuolema" -Charles-Maurice De Talleyrand-Périgord

Viestit: 1623
Liittynyt: 12 Helmi 2004, 03:40
Paikkakunta: Villa Gesell, Argentiina


Viesti Kirjoittaja kaivanto »

Moldova oli moraalinen voittaja. Saa toki olla siitä tykkäämättä, mutta helvetin hyvä se minusta oli. Vastustettavaa sirkusta ja väkisin vääntämistä oli monessa muussa, mutta Moldova oli esitysten rehelllisimmästä päästä. Ken ei ole samaa mieltä, on minusta mulkku ääliö ja olkoon sitten niin.

Terv. Töölön mummo (kännissä)

PS. Steven, you are so wroong about Moldova. It was one of the few honest and musical acts (like Finland). I think also the result proves my view.
E per un'istante ritorna la voglia di vivere...
≈ Hanki elämä mutsilles!

Viestit: 1623
Liittynyt: 12 Helmi 2004, 03:40
Paikkakunta: Villa Gesell, Argentiina

Re: Haloo Kiovasta!

Viesti Kirjoittaja kaivanto »

sampo kirjoitti:I have also been incredibly impressed with the support and love from YLE who have done so so so much to reach out to younger viewers and make Eurovision and EVENT rather than just a nostalgic "camp" show.
BUUUULLLSHIT. ESC should be for everybody: I still believe the majority of the viewers and the voters belong to the generations born in the 40s and 50s and the age-racism of YLE is just not correct in any way.
Camp is also a way of seeing it and also nostalgy. Don't be a Hitler, please.
E per un'istante ritorna la voglia di vivere...
≈ Hanki elämä mutsilles!

Viestit: 4724
Liittynyt: 18 Tammi 2004, 15:15
Paikkakunta: Helsinki


Viesti Kirjoittaja Mikkelsson »

Ollaan edes hyvä häviäjiä?

Suomen biisi ja esitys oli tolkuttoman tylsä, eikä edes sirkus olisi pelastanut tätä virttä. Sori vaan. Minunpuolestani tervemenoa vaan joulupukit ja vaikka senseitsemän muoria, mutta ei enää koskaan näitä ninaåström-rippileiriahdistuksia. Lopputulos oli tässä.

Molodova oli raikas ja keräsi pojot ainakin täältä. Olisi jääneet ne Suomen pakkoäänetkin antamatta jos olisi tämä ollut fiilis aiemmin. Eipä tartte ensi vuonna.

Go Circus!
Men jag vara stark, jag kan få allt.
Jag kan sprida färg, jag kan regera.
Men det blir nog en till kaffe och en cigarett.

Viestit: 1862
Liittynyt: 05 Joulu 2004, 18:03
Paikkakunta: Kuopio


Viesti Kirjoittaja Katinka »

No ollaanhan me hyviä häviäjiä! Tervetuloa kotiin Geir+tiimi. Hyvää työtä teitte ja sillä siisti. :peukku:
Belgrad 2008!!

Viestit: 61
Liittynyt: 05 Joulu 2004, 10:36


Viesti Kirjoittaja sampo »

RE: My comments on Moldova

My wife loved Moldova and the energy was fantastic. People can vote for whatever they want. My point was that I personally dont like when a "song" is voted through because of a gimmick rather than a strong song or performance. My giving of Moldova as the circus act was a bad example, since although I wasnt a fan of the song, I can appreciate that it was more than just the grandma that pushed it through to the finals.

But just because I was involved in this year's entry shouldnt mean I cant have my own opinion. Hitler indeed! (And I hoped the comment about the santa and reindeer would convey that my request not to vote Moldova wasnt really all that serious).

For the past years Finlad has sent VERY different songs to see if something would work any better... Finnish Enya (Edea), "come together Europe" from outside writers (Nina), classic swedish pop eurovision (laura), tango (jari) and Johnny Logan ballad (geir). Its not like we keep sending the same songs or performers.

If someone asked me what to send next year, I would say an uptempo female with an undeniable killer chorus hook and great stage show. yet if every country does that, you get lost in the crowd. So what it comes down to for me is hearing all the Finland entries and seeing which artist and song jumps out. (This year, that song was AN ACTRESS for me. I loved it, but if I'm honest I still dont think it would have worked at ESC this year. Since I did the male vocals on that live, I would have got to Kyiv with either song, so I would have been happy for either song to pass through)

and sorry...I love Jenni to death, but if Selma couldnt get through with a song cowritten by David Foster's wife and with her being a past ESC favourite (with a previous number two song), I think Jenni would have gotten eaten alive this year with KISS ME going against Selma. But she could win the whole thing next year. Who knows?

Hopefully we'll have better results next year. (Yet note that this year Geir only got one less point than Jari did last year, even if the placement of Finland is lower)
kaivanto kirjoitti:
sampo kirjoitti:I have also been incredibly impressed with the support and love from YLE who have done so so so much to reach out to younger viewers and make Eurovision and EVENT rather than just a nostalgic "camp" show.
BUUUULLL*. ESC should be for everybody: I still believe the majority of the viewers and the voters belong to the generations born in the 40s and 50s and the age-racism of YLE is just not correct in any way.
Camp is also a way of seeing it and also nostalgy. Don't be a Hitler, please.
I dont think you understood me, because I dont understand your reaction at all. Eurovision IS for everyone. But it has appeared in the past that Finnish youth have not generally been interested in the show or seen it as an event. I think this year, YLE made sure people knew about it and it was seen as being an event worth being interested in and talking about and being excited about. Thats a good thing. The more interest in the contest, the more likely YLE can continue to justify spending money to support it.

I was praising YLE for trying to open the excitement of the contest up to a new generation because ESC is NOT only for one particular group of people.

To say that ESC "belongs" to the generation in their 40s and 50s seems to be reverse age-ism which I dont understand. My kids have the right to enjoy the music of ABBA as much as my parents did. I loved seeing young parents with small kids in Ukraine at the show along with grandmothers and grandpas.

I personally think Heikki, Jaana, and Asko have been the shot in the arm the presentation in finland needed to give it life. All three CARE about the songs, the performers, and the contest. I cannot say that all of our Finnish announcers in the past have had the same level of commitment and really knew the songs and artists as well as these guys.

And I cannot praise YLE enough for their tireless work. They have been amazing and super supportive. When you read the horrible press about Martin in Sweden (when it isnt even a song he wrote and he is an absolute cool and down to earth guy who should be a star!), its wonderfully refreshing to have the full support of your country behind you.


Viestit: 1623
Liittynyt: 12 Helmi 2004, 03:40
Paikkakunta: Villa Gesell, Argentiina


Viesti Kirjoittaja kaivanto »

Yep! Good thoughts and maybe we'll find a understanding here. I am sorry for my rough words.

The main reason for reacting so aggressively was that I found some contradiction in your appeal "to not vote for Moldova's circus" and thanking YLE for reaching out to younger audiences. Eurovision has always been a TV show and sometimes a good song wins and sometimes a good choreography. Remember Buck's Fizz or Herrey's? Or even the barefooted Sandie Shaw...

And yes, of course everybody can express their opinion, I just smelled a little hint of a bad loser. In my opinion, "nostalgy" came second and this year there was no good camp like last year's Bosnian entry "In the disco".

Let's be happy, that in this year's TOP5 we find 3 ballads. If there were only 2 good ballads, Malta would have won. The whole thing is so unpredictable and the performance order means a lot, just look at Latvia!
I suspect next year we'll see even more aerobics, so maybe another kind of song wins, it was so close last year...

Yes, Eurovision should be for everybody. Unfortunately YLE is not thinking like that.

Yes, YLE has done some good work during the recent years, because ESC was done very badly in the 90s, but a lot has to be done to raise the musical level and the importance of our national selection. Bring the orchestra back! They can afford it even in Albania.

Yes, Swedes (and many other western Europeans) are pathetic in their nationalism and lousy losers. If you don't accept the rules of the game, you shouldn't participate.
E per un'istante ritorna la voglia di vivere...
≈ Hanki elämä mutsilles!
